Thursday, September 18, 2014

Infamous Logo Breakfast Casserole

Breakfast! My favorite meal of the day. It's hilarious and slightly off-putting to think that I HATED eggs when I was younger. The thought of eating a scrambled egg right after waking up made me feel sick.

Thank goodness I grew out of that crazy stage of my life and can say eggs are one of my favorite foods and an absolute essential in cooking healthy, cheap and delicious. Pretty much every Thursday I take my veggies from the week that I haven't used and throw them in an omelette for dinner - so good.

When I feel like getting a little fancier, or need to have a transportable breakfast for a group (tailgate for a noon football game perhaps?) I break out the breakfast casserole. This recipe originated at a Gamecocks tailgate when my good friend, Britt's parents (The Logothetis family, hence "Logo" in the title) served this up to a bunch of us, without warning us what an impact it would make on our lives! I have made a few tweaks to the recipe over the years including substituting turkey sausage for pork and using wheat bread instead of white but trust me it is still 100% just as mouth-watering.

The most recent time I made the casserole I, as I have been known to do, sneakily threw in some veggies. To be specific, broccoli florets. I am so glad it turned out because it makes me feel that much better about consuming it and keeps me fuller throughout the morning. Here's the recipe : )

P.S. I need to do better with taking pictures during the cooking process - I just get so wrapped up!

- 4 slices of whole wheat bread cut into cubes
- 10 eggs
- 1/2 cup skim milk
- 1 tube of turkey sausage
- 1 cup broccoli florets
- 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 tbsp Italian seasoning
- 1/4 tsp chili powder (optional - if you want it to have a little kick!)

Best done the night before and baked in the morning
- Brown turkey sausage, crumble into bits and season with Italian spices & chili powder
- Spray the bottom and sides of a 9x13 casserole or baking dish with olive oil or cooking spray
- Layer your cubes of bread in a single layer on the bottom of the baking dish
- Layer turkey sausage crumbles on bread
- Layer broccoli florets over turkey sausage crumbles - I chopped mine up a little so it wasn't such huge chunks of broccoli
- Whisk together the eggs, milk, salt & pepper
- Pour egg mixture over entire casserole - it's okay if ingredients start floating around and moving at this point, that's good!
- Top with cheddar cheese
- Bake uncovered for 45 min - 1 hour at 350